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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Summer Day 2: Park Prosecco, Russian Tea Room, and Museum of Sex

Today, my wonderful friend met me for tea at the Russian Tea Room, which was preceded by Prosecco in Central Parj, making one of the most perfect friend-dates I could imagine 😊

In the evening, the hubby and finally used our groupon for the Museum of Sex.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Day 1: Nature Sanctuary and Yankee's Game

It's finally summer! This means I have 69 days of uninterrupted adventure time. Think I ran out of stuff to do in NYC after 2 years? So did I... That's why I made a goal this summer to do something every day. And I don't mean clean the apartment and run errands... I mean do something for me; have fun, have adventures, relax. So, I'm back online sharing my #summerofme adventures in NYC.

So what did I do on my first day of summer? Today, I got a chiropractic adjustment (ahhhh... Relief), then spent a few hours in Central Park including...

Visiting the newly re-opened Hallett Nature Sanctuary.

Just when I thought I was in the clear for doing one thing today, I got a text that some friends had extra tickets to a Yankee's game.

(Yankees made a comeback in the bottom of the 9th)

One day of summer down, and I'm exhausted. If the rest of the summer goes this way I'll need a vacation from my vacation!